Frequently Asked Question

How do I add an employee to the software?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Navigating to the Add Employee Screen

Firstly, head over to your InfoTime Software.

You should be able to see Employee on the top menu, hover over this and click Employee as pictured below:


Once you are on this screen you can click the Add New Button.

This will start the Process of adding a new Employee.

You will then be shown a screen which shows a variety of options.

Many options are not required, but can be used to store data about your employees.

Fields Explained

Not all fields will be detailed below but the most important ones will be detailed.

Option NameWhat is the option used forIs it required?
Employee CodeThis is just a number you assigning to an employee, this is commonly used as a way of matching the employee against their payroll number.Yes
Card NumberThis is the number that the employee has on the clocking machine, even if you are using a different clocking methods and not cards you will need to make sure this matches the number they are using on the machine. This number will be used to correlate what clockings belong to what Employee. If a clocking comes in for Employee 22 for example, the system will look to see who has the 'Card Number' 22.Yes
First NameThe first name of the employee.Yes
Last NameThe surname of the employee.Yes
Joining DateThis is the joining date of the employee, please bare in mind if there are clockings before the employee's join date they will not be added to the employees records.Yes
Allow Mobile Clocking

If this is ticked, it will allow the employee in question to clock in using the Mobile Clockings option. An employee can clock in using Mobile by going to your InfoTime Web Application and clicking the Mobile Clocking Option.

Can be toggled On or Off

Allow Employee Information

If this is ticked, it will allow the Employee to login to the Employee Portal and see their Holidays, Timesheets and do other functions within the Employee Portal.

Can be toggled On or Off
Username & Password FieldsThese fields are used for Mobile Clocking and the Employee PortalNo unless they have Mobile Clocking or Employee Portal Enabled.
Company, Department, Branch, GradeThese fields are used for classifying your Employee. Bare in mind if a User in the portal is only able to view 'X Company or 'X Department' they won't be able to see the employee unless they have been assigned the Department and Company that the userare allowed to view (Even if the employee doesn't have a department or company set)No
Days Worth in HoursThis is how many hours a typical working day for them is worth. This number is used for booking holidays. If the Employee doesn't have a shift scheduled for that day it will use this number to know how about hours to book when using Full Days an Half Days.No
Days Worth In Hours > Shift PatternThis tickbox is used if you always want the system to use Days Worth In Hours instead of relying on their shift patterns for how much Holiday they should be paid.No
StatusThis field dictates whether the Employee is a current Employee or Terminated. If the Employee is terminated the System will filter them out of most views and you won't get warnings if they don't turn up for work. Use this if they no longer work for the company.Yes (Defaults to Current)

Working Rules Tab

This tab is used for Applying Working Rules to an employee.

The working rule's Start Date can not be earlier than the Employee's Start Date.

You will also need to ensure that the working rules start date is on the day or before the employee starts clocking otherwise the clockings will be ignored and not added to the employee's time sheets.

It is usually best to leave the End Date of the working rule and not set an end-date. The end-date is used when they are switching between working rules.

Applied Patterns Tab

This tab is used for applying Shift Patterns to an employee.

In here you can select what pattern to apply to the employee and when the pattern should start and end. We recommend you set up shifts inside the schedule planner rather than here, but you can always use this option if required.

Hanvon Device Configuration Tab

This tab is used for determining what terminals the user should be registered for. For most users you can ignore this option, however if you are using InfoTime to send Face Templates one from Clocking Machine to the other you can use this option.

If you untick a terminal this will make it so that the user will not get sent to that terminal and won't be registered there.

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