Frequently Asked Question

I've added an employee in InfoTime but can't see them?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Usual cause

The usual cause for this is that you are logged into a user account that can only see certain companies and departments. The employee that has been added is not on the list of Companies and Departments that you are allowed to see.

For instance you may have it so you can see a company and a department, if the Employee is in the company but not the department you have assigned to you, then you won't be able to see the Employee even if they have no Department assigned.

Fix 1 - Allowing the user account to see everybody

You can modify what companies and departments you are allowed access to by going to Configuration at the top and Users as pictured below:


Click the edit button on the User you are logged in as or the user that is having difficulty seeing the Employee.

You should see a screen with a User Tab and a User Rights Tab

Click the User Rights tab and make sure all the fields are empty as pictured below.


The way this feature works is like a filter, if you are assigned a company you can only see things that belong to that company, if you are assigned a department you will also need them to be assigned to that particular department to have visibility or control if there is nothing added to this User Rights page then the software will behave like you have applied no filters to the User Account and you can see everything.

Fix 2 - Logging in as an other account that can see everything and applying the correct Company and Department to the employee

Another way to fix this if the filters are already setup correctly but the employee has just been added with the wrong classifications (Company & Department)

You can log in as another user that has more access to the system, go to the Employee list. Click edit on the relevant employee and then at the bottom of that page you can assign them a company and department.

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